War Is Over


Just a quick one to recommend Yoko Ono's exhibition at the MCA on until the end of February. I went back in December with my mum and we both really enjoyed it. Makes you smile, frown, tilt your head to the side in puzzlement or wonder, giggle, wish and think.

I love conceptual art as there is more engagement than simply looking at an image which to me feels more complete and less involving, though of course can be moving and beautiful (or not). In this exhibition you are invited to participate in the art making by adding your own notes or images, stamp or rebuild something that is broken. I won't go into it too much as I don't want to spoil the fun but there is a work in which you take off your shoes and walk through a perspex maze (yes, I bumped my head!) and in the centre of it is a telephone on a stand. Apparently Yoko calls the phone herself at random times so if you are there at the right time you can have a chat. I lingered but unfortunately she didn't ring while I was there.

Anyway, check it out if you are interested. I found it inspiring in many ways.

Have a good weekend.

Love, K.x


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