Just doin' it.

Hi All,

I don't know about you but I haven't found my groove yet this year and since it's February it seems about time that energy and enthusiasm kicked in but.....well, it just hasn't.

I'm doing all the usual things, chopping the wood and carrying the water as a dear friend often says, and I'm trying to tap into some wisdom gained over the years. You know, the truths about life that you gather over time and that usually manage to pull you out of your self absorbed melodrama but they're just not working.

Oh, there are the beautiful moments like this morning when I climbed up into my son's top bunk to wake him up and enjoyed a snuggle under his warm blankets with his lovely little boy skin and we took our time and only just made it to school on the bell. I soak these up, I notice them and cherish them.

Like I said, I'm getting on with it but on some levels it just isn't happening for me so far in 2015. I keep thinking what's it all about? And I could get all busy with stuff (?!) and forget about it but it still doesn't answer the question. Again, I've found some answers over the years that work for me personally but I keep looking around at the world and it's expectations and asking again, what's it all about?

First world problems part 1 million, I know, but this is where I live.

I always come back to LOVE but right now my heart isn't moving. Move, please move!

Yesterday I saw this story about a tweet storm (really!) between Judy Murray (Who? The mother of tennis player Andy Murray apparently) and Yoko Ono. Judy has been re-posting Yoko's tweets with derogatory remarks added while Yoko doesn't respond. This bothered me because it seemed like a clash between a harsh world of assumed reality (Judy's) and an artistic vision for a better world and a wish to shake up our assumed reality (Yoko's). There's probably something in this that speaks to what is going on for me at the moment but I'm all whatever.

I thought that writing about this weird-ness would help but not so far. Thanks for your patience. I'll just get back to wood chopping and keeping busy until things look different.

Love, love, love (move heart, move!),


Oh yeah, plug for my website imagine365.org, please browse, please contribute. Just doin' it. K.x


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