After reading Honeybee by Craig Silvey
I’ve just finished reading Honeybee
by Craig Silvey and I am moved. I feel emotional and a bit teary about the
journey that the main character undertakes and the pain and suffering that he
endures almost relentlessly throughout the novel which make the glimmers of a
hopeful future (or not, no spoilers here) even more powerful. The themes of self-belief and
self-acceptance have really left their mark. And they come from a fourteen-year-old
main character. Read the book, you’ll love it.
fifty-two, a yoga and meditation teacher, mum to two boys and a rescue dog
named Rupert, and a writer. It’s this last descriptor that I’ve struggled with
the most. I mean, writing is what I do, it’s what I’ve always done, only it
feels presumptuous and a bit arrogant to give myself the label, writer. What
sort of BS is this? Seriously, where is the rule book that says that I can’t call
myself anything I bloody well want? That I can’t own a label that describes
what I do, perfectly?
Throughout my life, I have written stuff down. I have
volumes of notebooks and stacks of paper that are full of my scrawled ideas and
thoughts and facts and an endless stream of consciousness, transcribed. I have
file upon computer file of stories and snippets and long and short pieces. I
write when I’m confused and sad, I write when I’m happy and peaceful and I
write at other times, too. A lot of what I write will never see the light of day,
which is entirely appropriate, it’s for me only. My way of processing the world.
have written two novels, myriad short stories and written, directed and
produced a short film*. I have produced hundreds of blog posts and articles.
I’ve written for children and adults and have composed some awful poems. I write
as a paid job for others and I write for myself. I take writing birthday cards seriously.
have completed dozens of writing courses and worked with writing mentors. I’ve
done my apprenticeship and I am about to pitch my latest novel to agents after
winning two prizes with it as an unpublished manuscript. I am a writer, and I’m
soon launching a website that says so for all to see. Eeek!
*Don’t ask to see the film, it
is abysmal (aside from the acting, thanks Dan!)
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