Sunday afternoons

It's been a real Sunday around here. A little lie in, coffee and croissants with strawberry jam. The Sunday Paper, a bit of washing and hanging on the line, cups of tea and cuddles. Sounds of all the kids playing in the street and gardens, clambering over back fences, wet feet plodding through the house, handing out biscuits and dishwashing liquid for the slip 'n' slide. Now sitting quietly at the computer playing around with photos from the year. An easy, lazy day.
Set up the Christmas tree yesterday and so far feeling pretty positive about Christmas which is nice. It can be a tricky time of year with busy-ness and high expectations from all. Just need to stay connected with our love for each other. That's probably the clue, think of others. This way we stay away from our own inner dramas and cultivate good hearts which in turn makes us positive and happy. Just what we want for Xmas and holiday time. Now, we'll see if we can do it.........
A lady I know is singing Christmas carols with a choir in the street near us on Wednesday night. Could be fun and certainly is Christmas-y. Okay I won't go overboard with seasonal stuff but I have already bought some presents and will wrap them this afternoon.
Got one of my articles accepted for publication the other day which is a big yippee.
Talking with a younger friend at a party who says I need to start sharing my blog posts a bit wider and suggests linking to Facebook and so on....sharing sites and gathering "friends".............sounds like I need to gather my strength before I get started on all that though it makes some kind of sense. I generally shy away from computer things but this does not link up with my ambitions very well so need to open my mind and the Help links and hop to it. Maybe tomorrow........
Off to cook chicken meat balls in oozy thick tomato sauce. Yummmm.
love and lazy weekend vibes,


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