Merry Christmas, of course......

It's Christmas Eve and I'm excited. It's nice to have this feeling of Christmas cheer. I suppose like all things it will come and go. The important thing is to keep love at our hearts. Love for everyone. In a recent meditation that I taught, the determination we were trying to come to and then hold was, "I will engage in all actions with the intention to benefit others." I think this covers everything and I will try to keep it close to mind over this holiday season. Why? Because it is a perfect guide to keeping my actions and intentions in the best place for the happiness of those around me and my own happiness. How wonderful! (As my spiritual guide says so often, How wonderful!).
So, the kids have been checking out the presents under the tree. My husband has strung lights all over the front garden. I am trying to keep the house welcoming and a peaceful mind to share. Santa sent my son a letter from the North Pole which delighted him ("See, santa is real," said to his older brother) and surpirsed us all as the letter he sent to Santa was kind of hard to read! A bit of Christmas magic perhaps?
Still to pick up a last few gifts and some seafood for the big day so should get moving.
Wishing peace and love to the world at Christmas time and always.
MERRY CHRISTMAS and much LOVE, from K.xx


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