A quick breath and on to the next thing

On Tuesday I finished a piece of work which I entered for the Varuna publisher awards. It is basically the first few chapters of my novel (reworked, again!!) and a pitch. If selected I will win a weeks residency at Varuna, the Writers' House, including some professional help with my book. Also, the publisher with whom I am selected to work with will read my completed novel with a view (but not a promise) to publication. Wish me luck.

Anyway, I got the work in a day before the deadline and for the following day felt very happy and light and quite pleased with myself. Now it's the day after that and what is there to do but get on with things. I am working on a pitch for a non-fiction book and have an idea for a "Heckler" article about Christmas hampers which I think are rubbish. I need to keep the momentum of the novel writing going and I also want to do some drawings and paintings perhaps as Christmas presents (look out!) or maybe just to get back into making different kinds of art.

I will mention at this point again the lovely Sally Swain and her Art and Soul classes held at Glebe. Nourishing, fun and sometimes challenging. Always opeing us up to creativity and joy. Look her up if you are interested. She is running a summer school mid-Jan for a few days playing and art making.

It is also a busy time of year with the whole Christmas present buying thing looming into view. Haven't quite dredged up the energy to get started yet but might put the tree up tonight so that could help. I like to make a list of everyone that I will give a gift to and think about what they would really love, budget limitations considered. I go out to the shops with my list and do not stray. As soon as I find myself off track, I go home or else the shops and the whole over the top commercial side of things starts to wear me down. I only shop with love, once the love goes, so do I.

I wonder how everyone is feeling at this time of year. It's a bit of a self-assessment time. What have I done this year? Where has the time gone? Just musing but I think we could use the same method as I do with the shopping. What am I on about? I mean, our assessments could just be about how well we have loved. All the other stuff, achievements or otherwise, often leave us comparing ourselves with others and not feeling so positive. We know deep down inside that it is our connections with others that really matter so we can check up on our love and let the other stuff just be as it is, some good, some average, some bad.

If we were to die tomorrow, what would matter? Winning Varuna scholarships? Whatever other  achievements that sometimes feel so important? No, our love for our family, our friends, even strangers. Our connections with others is what is most important. I will remind myself of this as I enter into December. That all the details are not so important, that what matters is keeping a mind of love towards all.

On that note, sending my best December wishes and heartfelt love to all, K.xx 



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