The here and now

Hello. I hope the sun is shining where you are even if that is only in your heart and not the sky. Where I sit at my desk of a morning, the sun streams through the front windows and warms my wintery body which is lovely. The sun is also shining in my heart today.

When it isn't, I don't usually write here. Instead I write in my private journals and try to figure out what particular delusion is causing my unhappiness (it is always coming from the mind even though we think our problems are outside ourselves) and not to bore you with those details. Not to make my friends endure too much of the soap opera that plays in my mind.

A cloud is blocking the sun. This is normal, both outside and inside. We don't need to panic.

Anyway, enough of the sun analogy. Kids have been  on school hols and I have not spent much time at my computer, so sorry for the gap in postings. But I will be here for a lot of the time over the next few months as I am entering a mentorship programme with Dr Kathryn Heyman which runs from August to December. With her guidance I will finish my novel over these next few months which is an exciting prospect. I was very happy to be accepted into the programme and am just looking through the contract today and setting my goals for the next few months. I will meet with Kathryn once a month and she will offer advice on my work and help me to stay focused and on the right track with my book. Yay!

The bird is chirping away and spends much of his time riding around on Aden's shoulder whenever he is at home. He has quickly become part of the family and we all find ourselves talking to him at different times and in strange, birdy voices or whistles.

I will be back more often over the coming months with musings on life and love and whatever else comes to mind.

I hope this message finds you well. Yes, you.

Sending love and sunlight, Kerry.


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