Finding my feet
So here I am on day one of my new job which is pretty similar to my old job but with a slightly different focus. Only I have not exactly decided what that focus will be. I have three ideas so far. One is to tidy up the non fiction stories that I have written over this past year or so and to submit one or more of them to the Herald. As I write this I can see that I am being single focused on where to submit but that is where I want to see my writing published. Second idea is to improve a few children's stories which I spoke to a publisher about earlier in the year and received some practical feedback on. Third is to dig out all my notebooks from our combi trip all those years ago, see if there is a common thread or anything vaguely interesting in them, and write an Aussie version of the hugely successful and somewhat annoying, "Eat, Pray, Love". These ideas have come in the week or so since I decided to leave my novel "Thommo's Cove" for now and have been on holidays with the family. Letting go of my book has turned out to be less full of angst than I originally thought as I realise that it is only down to me and no one else really cares what I work on or indeed whether I write at all. It is funny how we worry about the opinions of others when in reality we are all lost in our own little world and not really so interested in what each other is up to. I don't mean this in a heartless way just to reflect that we need not concern ourselves with the opinions of others as much as we do. Instead we can accept ourselves and each other and love one another without getting lost in the details. As soneone I love often points out, opinions are like another bodily part that we all have which begins with "a". They are also unreliable and changeable and we do not need to hold on to them as tightly as we sometimes do. We can open up our minds a bit more than we sometimes feel able. We can push the boundaries of our minds a bit further than we allow and see what possibilities emerge or make themselves known. Which brings me back to my three options for writing and the fact that there are probably many more than I am currently exploring. But for the purpose of doing something constructive right now, I had better just proceed with one of them with an open acceptance that it may well morph into something else altogether. With love and acceptance of what is and what will be, K.xx
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