Back on the ground

Hello cyber world of friends and family, it's been a few weeks and I have noticed a slight aversion to reappearing here but today decided to dive in regardless of that.
That's a bit how I feel in general at the moment, perhaps it's a post holiday vibe. I keep thinking that it is important just to do something, anything, even at those times when it all feels a bit pointless. Just do something. Stop thinking and wondering, just get on with life.
Sometimes we feel a bit dry, the magic has gone out of things and we wonder what it's all about. I'm sure it's not just me? But we keep putting one foot in front of the other and the road appears and slowly we walk ourselves out of the ordinariness and back into the sparkly sunshine. But for now I'm just walking. This morning I was out walking and talking with a friend and could see the sun glittering off the ocean behind her and it was beautiful but my heart wasn't moved as it usually is. I spoke to another friend recently who said we should be a bit wary of our feelings and not trust them quite so much since they are so changeable. So instead of getting all caught up in feeling average, fantastic or miserable, we just watch our feelings and know that this too will pass. Which doesn't mean to say that we ignore them or fail to enjoy those happy times or learn from the hard ones, simply that we keep a bit of perspective on it all. We keep our eye on the bigger picture such as doing our jobs, looking after our families and friends, remaining aware of the world around us.
My neighbour's husband died while we were away and I spoke to her this morning for the first time. He was 87 and they had been married for many years. They seemed happy and in love. She is in pain and sees that it will probably get worse. It was good to be able to be real with her, not try to gloss things over but just to stand there in the street with her and agree that life is hard no matter how much good fortune we may also experience. It was tempting to say something vaguely optimistic but I think a sigh and silence, an acknowledgement of her pain, was the best thing. She has a lot of family around, coming by each day but I hope I can also help perhaps with a cup of tea on the verandah or a quick chat on the path.
The sky is so blue today and the air cool and crisp. A big change to the 35 plus degree days we had in Thailand. My fingers on the keyboard today are cold. Time to move a little and get the circulation going again. Thanks for being a sounding board, I hope I can be the same for you some time.
Love Always, K.xx


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