Still not knowing much
It seems that I am still feeling pretty clueless and strongly aware of this fact. The other night we were out at a restaurant where you have to share a table with others even though you don't really want to and while trying not to eavesdrop on the young couple beside us, I couldn't help but notice how sure of themselves they each were. As I was not really listening I heard them sharing information about all sorts of topics and stating very strongly their positions, opinions and the reasons why they held these. Mostly backed up by showing each other things they had looked up on their i-phones.
I pulled focus back to my husband with a smile on my lips. Feeling a bit older and just a little bit smug I did feel quite sure however that I was not any wiser. But the one thing that I have learnt (finally) is to keep quiet more often. When we spout off at the mouth about this that and the other thing going on in the world that we usually know very little about, we very often have to eat those words at a later date. Or wish that we could.
Take for instance the whole global warming debate. Each side believing that they are right and stamping their feet to be heard. In this case it seems that although we place our trust in science for how we live our modern lives some people are prepared to completely ignore what the scientists have to say. Do I really know what is going on with global warming? No. Am I an expert? No. Do I have an opinion? Yes.
If we are completely honest we don't know much at all. We form opinions based on snippets that we hear or read or on our own experiences all seen through our individual perception. Sure we may have our areas of expertise but we tend to hold opinions on almost everything else as well. I remember a friend once saying to me that he doesn't hold opinions any more, what is the point of it? he asked. It was a light hearted comment and I recall not really understanding what he meant. But in a way I can now see that this leaves us open to learning and to experiencing the moment as it truly is as opposed to through the veil of our opinions.
I was at Taronga zoo once with my youngest son and I pointed out a ferry down below us, on the harbour. He was looking and looking but could not see what I meant. I knelt down beside him, pointing and saying see, the green and yellow ferry down there. And he said, "Oh, I thought you said fairy!"
Okay, so we can't sit on the fence with all things and decisions need o be made so that action can be taken. But we have to admit that despite our wish for knowing and thus controlling our world we are mostly muddling through each just doing our best with our small bits of knowledge. It's quite funny when we think about it.
I pulled focus back to my husband with a smile on my lips. Feeling a bit older and just a little bit smug I did feel quite sure however that I was not any wiser. But the one thing that I have learnt (finally) is to keep quiet more often. When we spout off at the mouth about this that and the other thing going on in the world that we usually know very little about, we very often have to eat those words at a later date. Or wish that we could.
Take for instance the whole global warming debate. Each side believing that they are right and stamping their feet to be heard. In this case it seems that although we place our trust in science for how we live our modern lives some people are prepared to completely ignore what the scientists have to say. Do I really know what is going on with global warming? No. Am I an expert? No. Do I have an opinion? Yes.
If we are completely honest we don't know much at all. We form opinions based on snippets that we hear or read or on our own experiences all seen through our individual perception. Sure we may have our areas of expertise but we tend to hold opinions on almost everything else as well. I remember a friend once saying to me that he doesn't hold opinions any more, what is the point of it? he asked. It was a light hearted comment and I recall not really understanding what he meant. But in a way I can now see that this leaves us open to learning and to experiencing the moment as it truly is as opposed to through the veil of our opinions.
I was at Taronga zoo once with my youngest son and I pointed out a ferry down below us, on the harbour. He was looking and looking but could not see what I meant. I knelt down beside him, pointing and saying see, the green and yellow ferry down there. And he said, "Oh, I thought you said fairy!"
Okay, so we can't sit on the fence with all things and decisions need o be made so that action can be taken. But we have to admit that despite our wish for knowing and thus controlling our world we are mostly muddling through each just doing our best with our small bits of knowledge. It's quite funny when we think about it.
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