A daily dose of writing


I am reading this book by Austin Kleon called "Show your Work" which encourages people working creatively in any way to "share like an artist" and since I am nearly finished my novel (really!) and will send it off soon, I thought I had better do a bit more connecting and sharing.

It's funny because I have such an adversity to social media, or am just too lazy to be bothered updating such stuff, that I will probably have to become connected to it in some way in order to face my aversion. I also feel like it is so self, self, self, me, me, me when I could look at it in the other direction. I could share generously and use it as a way of seeing into the minds of others.  

Anyway, first things first so here's an update to my blog page in case you haven't realised.

Most days and especially those that I have set aside to write, I scribble a few pages of words into a notebook just to get out whatever is on my mind and direct it towards what I want to work on that day. I have been doing this on and off for about twenty years, it started when Greg and I travelled around Europe in our combi van. So, I have accumulated lots of notebooks and maybe millions of words. Most of these are extremely boring and just involve working out stuff on paper or spilling whatever is on my mind at that moment but they also contain observations of where I am and who is around me and ideas. So I wondered if some of these might be worth sharing.

Here's an extremely edited version of todays pages which I  wrote at the Bogey Hole Café across the road from Bronte beach at 9:25am after dropping Marty to school and driving home along the coast with a sudden wish to stop and have coffee and write.

A chilly winter morning, M has gone to school in just a polo shirt and light shorts. Hope it warms up for him. He lost his hand me down RBSC jacket and since it has someone else's name in it, it is unlikely to come back. He doesn't like the other one that he has so decided to go cold instead. So, what's around here that will come into my writing today - pink carnations in little jam jars, the clatter of glasses and crockery from the kitchen, an old overweight bloke driving off on a noisy Harley Davidson. A kind smiling waiter and a man arriving who says, "How are you my friend?" What a fortunate bunch we are, these Bronte café-goers. The sun now coming out which feels lovely on my body and I am glad for Martin. Will buy him the jumper he wants next week. Coming out with wet hair, I never do that but a lady at the next table has, she just said so which is why she is enjoying this sun so much......A man walking past with a metal cane walks so slowly, so slow, so slow.....peaceful awareness, this is what our mind actually is! A Buddha does not have conceptual minds.....Have been thinking a lot about non-alignment, the hypocrisy in our lives, the difference between how we want to live and how we actually live. This non-alignment causes internal pain, self criticism. Why is it so difficult to live our truth? Oh, let's blame society, the world we live in, expectations, past experiences or patterns. Excuses, excuses, have courage, be who you want to be. I may die today......

And so it goes on. Hope it's not too boring or self indulgent to share some of today's musings.

Sending love, love, love, K.x


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