When you don't achieve what you set out to do but you keep going anyway.

Blog post day five having missed days three and four.

So you miss a coupla days and think you’ve stuffed it, you’ve failed in what you set out to do and shouldn’t bother to continue but then you’re here and you do. Hello again symbolic cyberspace readers who don’t exist except in my mind, like all things. E-mailed the publisher who has my latest manuscript the other day to see how things are going then checked my inbox constantly for a reply, each time trying to assure myself that I’ll be fine no matter what happens…..that I can pitch it elsewhere because the work is good and will find a publisher and readers, lots of readers….until I finally got a reply saying that she’s been busy and it’s on her radar, wishing me well, saying it’s nice to hear from me and she’s excited to read it. Took a deep breath and settled in for more waiting which can only mean more writing. Had a few long work days away from my desk but found the time to sign up to a short story comp from a group that is based in NYC but is open to writers from all over the world. The competition opens at midnight Friday NYC time when participants receive some prompts such as genre, etc and have a week to submit a 2500 word story. We are randomly grouped in heats and the best five stories as judged go onto the next level of competition…..looking forward to the challenge. I’ve decided that I won’t go to New York until the trip fits my ongoing daydream in which I am sitting on a brown leather chesterfield sofa in a bookshop with large windows, sun streaming in and I’m signing copies of my own book for a queue of people. I’m putting it out there, here.
From inner to outer worlds, I took the kids to Taronga zoo today though they could take themselves. Me and four teens took the ferry across our wonderful Sydney harbour and walked around in the summer heat looking at the animals and seeking shade where we could. The gibbons, gorillas, seals and meerkats were the winners on the day but the real winner was me getting to spend time with these wonderful growing boys. The memory is a treasure that I will tuck away in my heart with all my precious things from this fleeting experience of life. Love, love, love is what it’s all about. K.x  


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