Creating a habit

“You can only write regularly if you’re willing to write badly. Accept bad writing as a way of priming the pump, a warm-up exercise that allows you to write well.”
Jenifer Egan.

Describing my inner landscape to find where it is I should be focusing my attention today and to get something out and move beyond self doubt by just doing the thing, writing. Steamy weather while walking the dog and it’s uncomfortable to be sweating a bit behind your sunnies so that they fog up. Met some fellow dog owners sitting in the shade and had a chat, community is so important…..casual contact with others is precious. I am grateful to have met them this morning.  
Strongly aware that self-focus is the cause of much of my mental pain…this narrowed view of the world in which we incorrectly place ourselves right in the middle and as the most important thing in the universe…my feelings matter most, my needs and wishes matter most, my fogged up sunglasses are a problem, me feeling a bit hot and bothered is……bothersome.
But just knowing this does not take it away….at present I can see it objectively but still experience the mental pain. I take a deep breath in and out to clear it and loosen the hold that selfishness has on my heart. Opening my mind up to all of those other living beings who matter and finding a perspective that is balanced, helps.
I am trying to sneak up on creativity and ideas, to play around with words as though it’s no big deal, to become practiced at writing without attachment to outcome. To be here regularly, every Monday to Friday, and share what is going on in order to delve deeper once the surface noise has been given attention, clearing the way for the real work.
I was at an Art and Soul class last Friday and, as we shared our creations, one of the other participants showed the four or five pieces of work that she’d done in the hour that we’d been given. As she examined the last two paintings, she said that these were the real work, the ones that had something to show her, something to reveal to her.
Here I will share the surface goings-on as I hope they will be relatable since we tend to have the same yearnings and fears. Maybe it will be useful to know that we’re not alone in our struggles and our joys.
It feels like a quiet start but I am here to be authentic to my experience today and each day while at the same time opening my mind and heart to the energy and feelings of those around me especially you, my readers. I am putting my words here to form connections.
With thanks and love, Kerry.x


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