The rocky peaks of pride
Thinking about pride and how it gets in the way. How it is made up and often mistaken. We can develop pride for so many things, even things we should be ashamed of. When we are feeling pride, we see ourselves as superior to others. This is a mistaken view. When we do something good, make a witty remark, come back from an adventurous or glamorous overseas trip, we replay our cleverness over and over in our minds. We are deluding ourselves and separating ourselves from everyone else when we really could be drawing close. With pride in our minds we are unable to learn from others. With pride we cannot take even the smallest criticism. In reverse humility is a peaceful, accepting and happy mind. We all know that the wisest among us are humble. With humility we are able to love and respect everybody and to accept our own mistakes with patience. These thought come after reading some of a book called "Eight steps to happiness" written by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, a meditation master, very humble man and my spiritual guide. With gratitude and love, K.xx
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