the wisdom of old age

My grandmother left me a notebook in which she had written ideas of her own and quotes from others which she found inspiring. I will occassionally post one here and hope to get the references right if my dear Nan has noted them down correctly, excuse me if not. So today's quote is:

"Some people dream of changing the world - others wake up and do it."

How can we change the world for the better? Love others. We can try to shift our focus from ourselves and put it on to other people. This is a simple way to cheer ourselves up and, of course, to give love to other people, making them happier as well. A win-win situation.

Have good one. love K.x


  1. What an inspiring lesson
    Rest in peace Nanna
    Love Bon

  2. Bonnie it is nice to know that you are out there on the big wide net holding my hand as I get to know it. love K.xx


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