Reached the shore

You know when you are going through a difficult time, in any way, and it feels like you cannot see your way through to the other side? And then you make it and look back with relief and a new set of tools in your backpack. My sister makes an analogy with swimming in the surf and that sometimes you just stay under until the waves have passed and the sea is calm again. You hold you breath for a little bit knowing that you will be able to come up for air soon. Another dear friend talks about being on a set of stairs and just coming back down one step at a time, slowly but surely. We all go through these tricky periods and face challenges in life. Sometimes it feels as though the waves are coming thick and fast and we wonder when they will become still, when we can pop our heads back up.
Buddha taught that human life is in the nature of suffering and that the only way to be truly free from this is to train our minds on the path to enlightenment. This is what I am trying to do but of course I am well and truly human so will need to accept all that comes with this state of being while I slowly, slowly tread this magical path. I need to learn patient acceptance of what is and try my best to create the causes for future happiness for myself and everybody else. This gives me an action plan and a way through the sufferings and joys (yay!) of this life.
We don't like to accept any suffering, problems or fears. Usually we run away from them as fast as we can but there is not really anywhere to hide. So we may as well face the truth and do the best with it. I was talking with some friends recently about what we would do if we were told we had only a week to live. I decided that I would just love everyone. Spread as much love as I possibly could. So even though I hope to have a lot longer than a week, this is what I have been trying to do. Both with my thoughts and my actions. Luckily I have some wonderful people around who are very easy to love. In fact on Monday in the midst of my confused mind, all of these fantastic people appeared or sent me messages. I look back on it with all of these sparkling jewels around me and feel very blessed. Thanks to all of you.
So now I am off on another creative writing adventure to a kids story which I tell my boys called "Tommo's Gang" about a group of kids, an ogre (Tommo) and a fairy who spend most of their time at the beach getting into mischief and having fun.
With much love, K.xx 


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